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Quote:Kate: Worthless Cunt.

I think that everytime I hear that song.

sure, after i stick up for you the thanks i get is this, you could have atleast told me to my face that im a worthless cunt Cry Cry Cry Cry
virgingrrl Wrote:
Quote:Kate: Worthless Cunt.

I think that everytime I hear that song.

sure, after i stick up for you the thanks i get is this, you could have atleast told me to my face that im a worthless cunt Cry Cry Cry Cry
I didn't? :running at mouth:

Obviously I speak of other Kate. I think. Unless you give rimjobs also. :lol:
The Stones - Exhile on Mainstreet
Beastie Boys - Something's Got To Give :fuggin:
Today on the train into work I was listening to Thelonious Monk, gotta love the monk.

the whole shit
Beatnuts - Intoxicated Demons
snow miser- year without a santa claus...i really need to get a better play list but winmx sucks
frogs theme from chrono trigger
gorillaz- 19-2000
The Beatles - White Album
thanks to ikea and maynard posting it, i got i fought the law in my head.i love audiogalxy
Quote:Obviously I speak of other Kate. I think. Unless you give rimjobs also.

GOOCH!11!, you said you wouldn't tell!11! Cry
Some online Punk station. is a very good thing.
french bread pizza Wrote:nas..stillmatic
That album sucked major ass.
virgingrrl Wrote:
Quote:Obviously I speak of other Kate. I think. Unless you give rimjobs also.

GOOCH!11!, you said you wouldn't tell!11! Cry

Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here
i'm actually enjoying the new nas...:Confusedhrug::

butttttt right now i'm listening to RonFez Smile
french bread pizza Wrote:i'm actually enjoying the new nas...:Confusedhrug::

butttttt right now i'm listening to RonFez Smile
You want a real rap album, pick up Wu-Tangs new album.
Him - Pretending
:bouncer: :bouncer: Saturday Night Rocks with Eddie Trunk :bouncer: :bouncer: