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Wasted is a great tune Sean.
An Im listening to JOHN BUUUUUSHHHHH again Smile
Quote:Beautiful Creatures: Self Titlled

Album is kind of over the place, but, a good listen none the less.

Yes Slash, thank you.

Hey, it ain't no Ace of Base, but I try :roltflmao:<font color=white>

Edited By SLASH on Jan. 29 2002 at 3:11
Quote:SMILE - Staring at the Sun... - MAQUEE LP How much am I will to bet that spitfire will chime in that Scott Reeder of Kyuss (He replaced Nick Oliveri on Bass) performed on MAQUEE by contributing Bongos, Drums, Vocals, Vocals (Background), Cowbell on 'Picture Made Past?' LOL

:roltflmao: Nope, I missed the bold actually....and HAHAHA! WRONG SCOTT REEDER!!!! This ones the drummer, they're both from California, but not the same person...however, Smile's Scott Reeder is the new drummer of Fu Manchu, taking Brant Bjork's (formerly of Kyuss) place :p :p :p :p :p :p

(still DOTN)
sometimes I feel like
those good days are behind me
Is the road suppossed to get better than this... Cry
Amen: We Have Come For Your Parents
Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
Quote::roltflmao: Nope, I missed the bold actually....and HAHAHA! WRONG SCOTT REEDER!!!! This ones the drummer, they're both from California, but not the same person...however, Smile's Scott Reeder is the new drummer of Fu Manchu, taking Brant Bjork's (formerly of Kyuss) place :p :p :p :p :p :p
Dammit! I did my homework! The Scott Reeder cdnow link Scott Reeder on the SMILE - MAQUEE LP credits listed SMILE and Kyuss as the same Reeder.

Ughh, that whole music scene is more incestuous than a Gonzostyle family reunion! They can't even get their own names.

You win!11! this one.<font color=white>

Edited By SLASH on Jan. 29 2002 at 3:35
Radiohead - OK Computer
R.E.M. Eponymous
a band called Hostile Apostle...real heavy, fast instrumental...NICE!
thursday-understanding in a car crash. im goin to see them on the 22nd. i cant wait.
<img src=>
Roni Size - In The Mode
independent worm salloon - butthole surfers
New Order- True Faith. It's the song playing in the club at the start of American Psycho and I downloaded it because I could
HyBriD Wrote:thursday-understanding in a car crash. im goin to see them on the 22nd. i cant wait.
Nice...I've been listening to them a lot the last couple of days. I heard they are absolutely awesome live too.
Thursday is great....

Alkaline Trio - Here to infirmary.
I'm doin work and listenin to Thursday - This Side of Brightness
Orange county soundtrack
Alice in Chains - Jar of Flies
im listening to linkin park and trying to hear my professor at the same time, im talented
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