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Led Zeppelin II - Heartbreaker :thumbs-up:
Fu Manchu - King Of The Road
Sea of Green - Northern Lights ep :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin: :fuggin:
Motorhead - Ace Of Spades

EDIT: How do i type in those cool O's with the dots above them???

Edited By Keyser Soze on Mar. 21 2002 at 9:52
Kings X - Ear Candy
the howling wind outside.

damn it's windy.
Grateful Dead at the Fillmore West, 11/19/66. Off of something called an audio cassette.
Air - Virgin Suicides
Rush - 2112 :fuggin:

Edited By Maynard on Mar. 22 2002 at 12:08
:loveya: Love Lines :loveya:
Tool - Aenima
Beck - just about everything he ever recorded..... shuffled...

current track.... "Fuckin With My Head"... followed by "Peaches & Cream" & "Fume" :fuggin:
Postcards of the hanging GD doing Dylan
Patti Smith "Land" I like it kinda scary in a cool sorta way

Edited By boodadude on Mar. 22 2002 at 02:53
Rush - Caress Of Steel :fuggin:
AC/DC - "Shot Down in Flames"
MegaDeath - Peace Sells.... But Who's Buying ?
some old Canadian Hardcore... DayGlo Abortions ...the Album is called Feed US A Fetus ...i highly recommend it for sheer stupidity value alone!!!
Minor Threat - Complete Discography
O & A on 'NEW
LunaBabe Wrote:O & A on 'NEW
Who dat?
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