Full Version: Last Post Wins.... - Version 4.20
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Yoohoo......hi there...remember me??? :loveya:
Morning! 9 more days til spring!!
That's purely rumor on your part Rolleyes
:poke: dammit.... it's my birfday.... i win...
I'm sorry, but according to the rules, you must be 18 or older to win. As you are only still lose :moonie:
Paging Mr. Zahr, Mr. Lou Zahr
it's freezing in here suddenly ... a tit nippley
so what are you doing for your birthday there dollface?
I bet he'd love to be :fuggin:
it's always a good time for that

I think that might be why I don't remember my birthday this year

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1047407836
Did you knows it's 4/20 on Easter Sunday? It's gonna be hard to smoke up in church. :fuggin:
<----- Jewish, don't have that problem
do it during Peace & pass it around, sharing is caring, right
good plan. :thumbs-up:
>>Tuesday, March 11

Others are unlikely to be the epitome of all things nice and could even (the
nerve!) try to put their agendas ahead of yours. Since reacting to their
provocations could blot your copybook and make them look virtuous, and since you
hate it when that happens, perhaps you should just (blandly) fail to engage.

can anyone decode this for me?? :crackhead:
yeah, it means stay the fuck away from everyone today cuz they're out to get you

[Image: icon16.gif]
ok.... it's me.... :fuggin:

....well, until Metal shows up for work Undecided
Hi Momo....wouldn't want to disappoint you :lookatme:
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