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good weekend here
:fuggin: didn't run out
i thought i lost my bowl

but then it wuz found Confusedmokey:
Quote:look at little suzie sunshine here......who asked ya?
I just though it would be nice if yous alteast tried to disquise the whoring
Quote:alteast tried to disquise the whoring

Metal has 3834 posts;average 9.13 posts per day
Ladi has 8481 posts;average 20.11 posts per day

WHO is the whore around here? :poke:

Edited By Metalfan on 1047308114
I know, but I atleast try and squeeze out a sentence or so
whatever ... what do I care, it was just a suggestion, don't get your panties in a twist
Just stating the facts, ma'am :-D
well, this Monday is going swimmingly

I fell asleep at 7 last night, and no one took my laundry out of the dryer
then when I turned it on this morning, my Dad barked at me for leaving the laundry room door open & ruining his tv watching
lots of traffic

and I woke up optomistic too :disappointed:
1000th post... :bouncer:

I'm home again because my son threw up in school. Weekend was okay. Weather was beautiful, but I got a bad haircut, so I'm a bit cranky.
Poor old?
11. Can't tell yet if he's faking or not. He had waffles this morning around 7:15, and then gym class at 8:15.
Tell him to walk it off...put his ass back in English class...
No can do. Once you throw up in school, they send you home. It's okay, I can use an extra day off. If I was really industrious, I'd go back to work, but we're slow and I'm sleepy, so I'm just gonna stay home.
That's cool...tell the little bugger to throw up when you need a day off more often...

Quote:I got a bad haircut
You sure that's why you don't want to be at work?
Well, I was already at work when the school calls, so I guess I managed to work past the bad haircut. Nah, I'm just in dire need of a vacation.
Come to GA! :bouncer:
I wanna go to an island or Disney.
So would I... :thumbs-up:
see, isn't this much nicer

I keep seeing Disney commercials too, and islands for that matter ... *sigh* ahh, Resort Season :-p
:poke: mine mine mine....
Just chill dirt...
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