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oh yeah?


I'm gettin' a puppy!
I'm gettin' a puuuuuppy!! :banana:
that is sooooo yesterday's news Rolleyes
I'm still gettin' a puppy!
I'm still gettin'a puuuuppy! :banana:
i'm gonna buy a new fish this weekend
i need a bottom feeder for my 55 gallon tank
thinking of a new red tailed shark
i had this one shark for 11 years and he died last month
saw him start to float at the top so i took em out and hassan chopped him to help it go a lil quicker
any suggestions on what to get????
Ya only got 7 more weeks of this outta me:

I'm gettin' a puppy!
I'm gettin' a puuuuppy!
gw, get a pirhana, my friend has 6 of em...tehy are fun to watch eat
ok... really.... who hacked Becky's account... :clueless:
Hadn't even considered that!!!!

[Image: icon3.gif]
hacking accounts...uh oh...I bet Arpi will say he did that first...
My plan was to oust FN from power here, remod Becky, and then disguised as her, reclaim my rightful position as Stoner Forum mod. How I miss it so. :disappointed:

go stand in the corner, young man.

::taps foot::
That'd be the greatest Coop ever! :bouncer:

Can I be your co-ruler?

Edited By 2 tired 2 give N F on 1048105464
so basically you're saying you want to be a cross-dressing mod? :crackhead:
If it gets me my forum back, yes. :-(
:-o I feel so dirty, I hit on you
Me, too! Confusedneak:
Me three...oops...I never hit on Danked I just kinda got carried away there...

[stalker voice] :lookatme: MOMO[/stalker voice]
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