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:twak: ...that's it Looney... i've had about enough out of you... :poke:
shove over
Undecided dammit.... don't make me call your bosses... :whip:
but it is employee appreciation day :banana:
oh.... ok... carry on... :thumbs-up:
...i said carry on.... [Image: icon8.gif]...geeez... don't you people pay attention.... hit me on my head and then you poked me. :loveya:
shu up Confusedmack:
keep your hands to yourself

so, Luna, where do I buy those special Sun lightbulbs?
You canget them at a health food store. They are called Full Spectrum light bulbs and they are pink, don't be fooled by the regular soft light bulbs you can get just about anywhere.
[Image: chromabulb.jpg]
Oh, I think you can even get them at pet stores, too.
:thumbs-up: the person who sat here before me had a regular lamp at her desk, like Joe vs the Volcano (not as fancy though) that sounds like a nice idea

this place sucks the life out of people, very grey
Do you suffer from a brain cloud also?
<---slept finally...
no brain cloud this week :fuggin: I'm painfully clearheaded .... or as much is possible for me anyway
:lookatme: Hiya! How's the puppy baby? Did you think of a name yet?
He's just a gerbil right now, but they are going to grow faaaast, the breeder will be emailing me pics weekly. :banana:

Still haven't thought of a name, tho, but I've got 8 weeks to figure it out.
I bet it's adorable.
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