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[oas style]need someone to rub it and make it all better?[/oas]
Why is everyone getting scared? :clueless:
I'm not scared
[Image: eek2.gif]
my corn muffin has corn flakes on its top, & I'm not sure how to take that. plus the muffin tastes like cake :clueless:
i like muffinz that taste like cake :thumbs-up:
themz be rich muffinz that taste like cake :-D

Edited By Metalfan on 1046877059
I like cake that tastes like muffins.
As long as its chocolate, I don't care :thumbs-up:
Quote:Why is everyone getting scared?


click on page 2 and listen.

oh yeah i forgot her pc at work doesn't have speakers and the one at home doesn't seem to play any of the special background noises. that stinks.
no speakers here either :lol:
metal.......go to page 2 when you get home but make sure that the speakers aren't turned up too loud if the the kids are sleeping.
Quote:make sure that the speakers aren't turned up too loud if the the kids are sleeping.

it ain't the kids i'm worried about [Image: icon16.gif]

don't forget to put your depends on then. ;-)
please... no pooping in this thread.... thank you
Quote:Why is everyone getting scared?
Cause this forum is like the Bermuda Triangle. You could be in the middle of a post and just suddenly disap............................
[Image: icon16.gif]...ok, where'd Danked go.... he was just here a seco......
Hey, where is ever........
tag.... you're it :banana:
[Image: 1722207.jpg] that a request :-D
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