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Quote:I hope I don't disappear. :-(
...not until i find a new place to hide bodies... :firebounce:
No! Undecided
<bgsound src="" loop="1" />

Edited By LZMF1 on 1046834494
:crackhead: I had my speakers on and I dookied in my panties!
:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :banana: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
[Image: icon15.gif]...eeeeeeeek!!!!!
:-( Seriously how do you do that?'s magic!!!
is there a sound again?

I put this hand cream on at work & it smells like bug spray, some sort of Crabtree & Evelyn even, I think it's just old lady scented
Quote:I put this hand cream on at work & it smells like bug spray, some sort of Crabtree & Evelyn even, I think it's just old lady scented
:crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead: :crackhead:
:lookatme: hi beth!!!!
morning campers :lookatme: :loveya:
'Morning, Master Metal!
Sorry to hear you fell off the wagoooon yesterday. I know you'll do it!
Damn that scared me!

Who fell off what wagon?

Just look for the person with the bruised buttocks [Image: icon16.gif]
My heiny hurts? :clueless:
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