Full Version: Last Post Wins.... - Version 4.20
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All kids, but especially my own.
Damn, I guess I can't loan ya mine for a while then, can I? :disappointed:
Noooooooo. I don't really mind kids, but I'm not one of those people who just has a knack with them. They make me pretty uncomfortable....especially the younger ones.
I hear Gonzo is good with kids.....especially young boys [Image: icon16.gif]
Hmmm, something to keep in mind. Have a ducky day!
quack quack
say the magic woid and win a dollar
wanna buy a duck
:bouncer: turn!!!!
high!! :lookatme: :fuggin:
THE MAGIC WORD! What'd I win??? :bouncer:
Rolleyes you get nothing....
[Image: icon8.gif]nadda... zip... ziltch...
I win!
Ahem....think again :loveya:
Ah, go home crabby!
Nope....nuh uh neither...ain't gonna do it :-p
Okay, have it your way. Stay at work longer then. :-p
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