Full Version: Last Post Wins.... - Version 4.20
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that's nice ..... can Luna & I be mods?
can I fight with Mary again?
do you feel left out Tomato? :poke:
I want to win and I like using emoticons... :thumbs-up:
(pssst, you can't win, the game is fixed)
but tomorrow is my birthday...maybe they'll let me win cause of that? :clueless:
no, but enjoy your day
I can't...I've got a project, a lab, and 150 pages of reading due on Friday...the project and lab are going to take me all night tonight... :-(
:disappointed: awww, such a shame
that's unfair

big weekend plans then?
I'm baaaack. :lookatme:
I'm still heeeeerrrrre
You people with internet access at work are Damn lucky. You know that don't you? All I have to play with is Free Cell.
:disappointed: it'd be better if I didn't have it

::crosses fingers:: they are coming to erase everything from our hard drives soon, I hope I don't lose AIM
You have AIM at work too? You must work someplace really high tech. We're still working with tin cans and strings for phones.
some of them don't understand e-mail :disappointed:
Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to tell clients that they can't email us because we don't have it?
that must suck ass...
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