Full Version: Last Post Wins.... - Version 4.20
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Sure...why not....requires absolutely no thought at all :thumbs-up:
that's most any thread :crackhead: doooood
nah, don't they expect people to actually think oustide of the stoner forum....i find that scary [Image: icon16.gif]
Yay! I'm home and I'm the last post.
What can I have for dinner?

I have $4,621.96 left on my Student Loans, then I'm ALL DONE!!! :banana:
<marquee>:bouncer: :banana: :bouncer: :banana: :firebounce: Confusedmokey: :thumbs-up: :lookatme: :thumbs-up: Confusedmokey: :firebounce: :banana: :bouncer: :banana: :bouncer: </marquee>
Actually, I did have chicken. :thumbs-up:
Hi Sweet Angel! :lookatme:
I see you in here!
:lookatme: Hi Luna!
Was the puppy born?
Nope, not yet. Still waiting. :firebounce:
:firebounce: ...what about now???? :firebounce:
chicken or fish, chicken or fish
you like fish

Oh, good morning :loveya:
Good morning. Have I mentioned lately that I hate kids?
Howdy do?

'Mornin' all. [Image: wavey.gif]

Do you hate all kids, or just yer own?
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