Full Version: Last Post Wins.... - Version 4.20
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Luna won the last one
Under a shroud of controversy
ooooo the drama

Confuseduicide: my head is still cloudy
Quote:Momo....I think I found us a steamroller to help us with the tomato problem around here. We just need 22 coconuts, a jelly donut and a box of tea bags...keep this on the DL [Image: icon16.gif]
[Image: wink.gif] [Image: thumb.gif]
Quote:Luna won the last one
She did not!
did to
Rolleyes geeeeez.... i said it was a tie...
Quote:Q: Which style of Quest do I choose first?
A: This is up to each individual smoker. Of the 3 styles we offer, Quest 1 taste most similiar to the average Lights cigarette.

appreantly, in trying to cut down, I've gotten myself more addicted, I was really enjoying the #3 ... the highest nicotine :crackhead:
This is a good place for a stick-up :thumbs-up:
it's supposed to be 50 degrees tommorrow
I need a nappy. :disappointed:
Me too [Image: icon6.gif]
I'm all cranky and stuff........
Lack of nicotine?
ssshhhhhush :fuckoff: ya big meanie
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