Full Version: Last Post Wins.... - Version 4.20
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Morning boys and girls!
Hiya Camper
It's Wednesday. Halfway through the week. Is it wrong that I live for my weekends?
Don't we all do that? Is it wrong that all I want to do right now is curl up under my desk and take a snooze?
Nope, sounds about right for a blah day like today.
I spend so much of my time on "emergencies" that I never get any of my own damned work done! :angry:
:banana: It's St Partick's Day Monday, I'm gonna go to a funeral home Sunday, $10 all you can eat & drink :toast:

hopefully the produce man doesn't flake on me either :fuggin:
I want to go home...this day just gets worse at it wears on
I'm home. :clueless:
I'm not...
You're also not gonna win, tomato boy
OH but I shall...
Sadly, you are mistaken
You shant win for I am the WINNER!!
You may be Jim, Jimbo or Big Jimbodini to your friends down there.....but to us......

you're still not the winner
I'm the dude...or el duderino...and I WIN!
ok, that was a long enough reign of winnage for you Confusedmack:
I'm nude...I'm the last, I WIN!!!! hoooohooooo! :banana:
Quote:I'm nude

I think Metal is obsessed with this thread
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