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i saw its all about the benjamins 2 weeks ago. it was alright
it was lacking in the offensive 'what black people think about white people' humor category.
AdolescentMasturbator Wrote:Just watched blade 2 on vcd. It's decent for what it is. Not fantastic.
Sephiroth Wrote:
AdolescentMasturbator Wrote:Just watched blade 2 on vcd. It's decent for what it is. Not fantastic.
I watched Training Day last night for the 6th time, what an awesome fuckin flick.

BTW Ikea I finally watched 'Ghost World.' It was a really great watch as well.
i saw shrek last night, it was funnier than i expected, and some of it seemed rather disturbing, all in all, quite enjoyable.
finally saw fight club last was a decent movie, but i still dont see why people treat it like cinema gold
fbdlingfrg Wrote:finally saw fight club last was a decent movie, but i still dont see why people treat it like cinema gold
Bah, you just don't appreciate art.
fbdlingfrg Wrote:finally saw fight club last was a decent movie, but i still dont see why people treat it like cinema gold
Watch it again, trust me. I felt the same exact way after watching it the first time.
fight club was great.
I just downloaded a DVD rip of Office space.
Death to Smoochy, as I said in the PR or DTS thread, good movie, could have been cleaned up a bit and could have been darker but it was good. And Williams was fantastic...and I usually hate that bastard. I'll probably end up in Panic Room wednesday and am going to rent Training Day tonight

Edited By IkeaBoy on Mar. 30 2002 at 10:16
HOLY SHIT. i just got done watching se7en. one of the best movies i have EVER seen. fucking amazing. i only wish i could have rented it on dvd, but both copies were already taken out. FUCK.
Just finally got around to seeing Not Another Teen Movie. It was meh quality. I can't see it was all that good.
Just saw Panic Room...the opening credits were really cool...the movie was pretty good too, but the ending (like last minute or so) kinda killed the movie.
I watched Animal House again tonight on Encore. Fuckin funny movie.

GO HERE! :fuggin:
rocky 2 is on tbs so i'm going to watch this sonofabitch when i should be doing work or getting to sleep or something
Maynard Wrote:I watched Animal House again tonight on Encore. Fuckin funny movie.

GO HERE! :fuggin:
Quote:Just saw Panic Room...the opening credits were really cool...
Agreed, but I still can't figure out what exactly why it was so different looking. What was it?
whoa. i followed the maynard "go here" signs and eventually it brings you back to here. btw, se7en was the shit, incase you didnt read my above post. Smile
Quote:Agreed, but I still can't figure out what exactly why it was so different looking. What was it?

You know the white letters that you can slide into a board....they usually use them for directories in buildings, etc.? That is what the lettering looked like, and also they kept moving them around in ways that they never put credits.
Just got back from seeing Blade 2. This is a kick-ass movie! The fight scenes are excellent and the movie doesn't flinch from the blood and guts. Pretty good story too. Definitely have to see it on the big screen with surround sound. There are some really cool sound effects that'll get to you at just the right moments.
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