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I'm looking forward to seeing Changing Lanes. I don't know why but the idea of the movie is intriguing and well i'm a sucker for anything with the badmotherfucker in it.
Dude, changing lanes looks really fuckin good. That, along with Spiderman and SW are the few movies I plan on seeing in the theatres this year.
Ben Affleck trully is one bad mofo, I wanna have his babies!!!!
I saw "The Musketeer" about a week or two ago on DVD...I thought it was a great remake of the classic and the figth scenes were awesome especially that last fight scene on the ladders..Confusedeph:
i watched gone in 60 seconds last night. decent movie, with a lot of nice cars in anything with angelina jolie is ok with me
I've been watching Dead Presidents on and off all week. Very good movie. Hughes Brothers make some kick ass movies.
last movie i saw was Blade II, if your high the fights scenes are worth the money
I dunno why but I just had a craving to watch the original Major League today, fuckin movie rocks.
hiding out with Jon Cryer was on TBS so I caught the final hour or so. I had no idea that the head chick in it ended up as Reyes on Files
Some one, anyone, help me, please!

I watched a HBO shit fest last night, Lone Hero with Lou Diamond Philips. Holy shit, this was one shitty fuckin flick. I was cringing through the whole damned movie, it was awful. Watch at own risk people.
Watched A Beautiful Mind a couple days ago. Was pretty good decent flick.
watched 13 ghosts last night. it wasnt very good, but it wasnt totally horrible. the ghosts were cool looking atleast...
Fight Club on Skinemax last night

God I love that fucking movie
I'm going to the movies tonight (shocking, I know) and I can't decide between Changing Lanes (yummy Ben), and The Sweetest Thing, which looks really funny.

I watched Election last night.
I heard TST sucked total ass
Changing Lanes it is then...thanks. I did hear TST was funny, but a chick type movie.
The Big Lobowski on DVD - i love that movie
Has anyone seen Y Tu Mama Tambien? I really want to see that, but the fact I was able to see Kissing Jessica Stein in the theaters was a miracle in itself.
"the one" starring jet li on dvd. crazy shit!!! cool story and the fight scenes are insane
Quote:"the one" starring jet li on dvd. crazy shit!!! cool story and the fight scenes are insane

Thank you, now I don't have an iota of doubt that you are a drooling idiot.

Just finished "Don't Say A Word" on PPV. Movie looked creepier in the trailers actually. Not all that bad, hookey ending.
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