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i am not dirty and i am certainly not a jew.
Shea Hillenbrand is double sucky because his first name is Shea.
I am borderline about to drive to NYC and kill the lot of you.
that would be funny.
theres nothing wrong with the name shea....

when you're naming a stadium
I saw Training Day earlier today and I that made me realize that Shea Hillenbrand is the greatest athlete in the history of existence.
you do realize they only beat the devil rays right?
Yes I do. With two outs in the 9th no less. Makes you wet does't it?
not really

and i watched the usual suspects for the 2nd time last week.
I own the DVD. It's not quite as good the 40th time you see the movie. But you know what is? Derek Lowe's no hitter.
:bah: nomo did the same thing last year and look how he and the team finished.

while i was watching the movie i thought to myself, if i were to ever actually buy a dvd on my own, that would be the one i got.
SLC Punk. ok movie, but it had a Minor threat and DK song on the soundtrack, so it moves up to "good" status.
the last castle. i thought it was a good movie. when the prisoners actually fight to take over the prison is awesome.
I saw Spiderman yesterday...I liked it.

Watched Ali last night it was long and drawn out. Only thing I learned that I didn't know was that he was a womanizer.

This morning I watched Say Anything - that movie never gets old...gotta love Lloyd...:loveya:
i saw joe dirt this morning. very stupid, kinda funny. it was ok i guess.
Watched Grosse Point Blank before, and Young Frankenstein now.
watched spiderman friday night

last night i watched the Mummy, first time i saw it. was a decent movie, would have been even better without the commercials though, god i hate commercials in movies
Saw Spiderman the other night. Then watched High Fidelity yesterday for like the billionth time.
Watching Grosse Point, made me want to see that one too. :thumbs-up:
i just watched not another teen movie. areola the naked exchange student made it worth all $4.50 to rent it.
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