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And, if you didn't notice, the other woman in that film was the one who played the last Dax (after Jadzia) on STBig Grineep Space Nine. Very cute.

Last night, I saw "From hell" in a theater here in London. Pretty good film, and it was cool seeing it after spending the day walking around the city where it happened.
watched hearts in atlantis and xmen last night...gonna watch kalifornia when i get home from work
Watched "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" for the umteenth millionth time yesterday.
I saw House Party, which I recorded last night. A few good laughs.

I didn't like From hell that much.

Planning to re-watch Barton Fink this week.
I saw Castaway, Bubble Boy, and Willy Wonka for the 10 bazillionth time
Just watched Blown Away. Tommy Lee Jones just fuckin rocks in this movie!
Watched Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back on DVD yesterday :bouncer:

Its Hunting Season!
Went to see "40 Days 40 Nights" on Friday

Not an alltogether horrible movie, but kind of boring. The boobie shots were nice, but the jokes were rather lame. More of a romantic comedy in a comedy's clothing.

Also, the theatre was filled with high school students who just wanted to see Josh Harnett.
One word

I should be beaten for this.....

Teenage Mutant Ninja Trules 2: The Secret Of The Ooze

It was on fuckin cable at 2:00am I couldn't help it, I swear.
So last night I saw 40 Days and 40 Nights..I didn't feel like goin to a sad, dramatic, war movie ar anything like that so I picked this.
Very cute..a good one to watch with nothing better to do.
GS, start hitting yourself

I thought I was bad watching "The Kentuky Fried Movie" last night, but you my friend take the taco
GonzoStyle Wrote:I should be beaten for this.....

Teenage Mutant Ninja Trules 2: The Secret Of The Ooze

It was on fuckin cable at 2:00am I couldn't help it, I swear.
you should have been in chat. we were discussing the cut sex scene between April O'Neill and Casey Jones from that movie.
IkeaBoy Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I should be beaten for this.....

Teenage Mutant Ninja Trules 2: The Secret Of The Ooze

It was on fuckin cable at 2:00am I couldn't help it, I swear.
you should have been in chat. we were discussing the cut sex scene between April O'Neill and Casey Jones from that movie.
Casey Jones wasn't in part 2, he was in 1 & 3.

Now he's the big dick cool guy on Oz.
Just finished watching JFK. I watched the first side of the DVD last night and because of the Best Of figured I'd watch the second side instead of studying. Oh and Gary Oldman always kicks ass
because of two midterms tomorrow and an inability to watch The Osbournes I watched A Clockwork Orange
Va Savior......... funky French movie.

One of the most amusing parts though, was when the exboyfriend & the current were having a duel. And the current wanted to have a shoot=out, but they didn't think they would get away with it, so the current decided they would go up on the cat-walk of the theater & drink bottles of Vodka until one of them fell off, and died, thus then losing. :fuggin:
Rock Star...but im not sure if that counts...because after a half hour I spiked the dvd on my driveway.
JIMMYSNUKA Wrote:Rock Star
I didn't see it but it seems like the type of movie that Breuer would have been a better choice to star in than Whalberg.
jay and silent bob strike back..
the collectors dvd has an extra 2 hours of outakes and shit like that, it was funny as hell.
15 Minutes.

The best part of the film is that Deniro is killed off 1/2 - 2/3 of the way into the movie.
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