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I wanted to see Bully, good to know it's out on tape.

My friend who I see less than I see my gyno is making me see Murder By Numbers tonight. I hope it's good....
Quote:Murder By Numbers
The ending's quite disappointing. The families of the victims just sue Sting and the rest of Police.
ghost in the shell dvd. Im an anime loser:firebounce:
ugh! anime? clare, I am so very disappointed. :confused:
I just watched 13 Ghosts. It was a really cool plot, and really cool effects, but the movie was just eh.
could your sig pic BE any more annoying?

I'm about to watch the Big Lebowski, again. The movie just never loses it's draw.
Dumb and Dumber on DVD ...........always funny.
Quote:Dumb and Dumber on DVD ...........always funny.
Simple minds, simple pleasures...
you know it!
Didn't end up going to the movies...friend bailed on me after dinner to be with her boyfriend...I'm glad she penciled me in for about an hour and a half....woo. Think I might watch Chicken Run in a bit though.
she sounds like a heck of a gal!!! who needs enemas when you've got friends like her.
I watched High Crimes with ashley judd and morgan freeman. The movie was ok, pretty formulatic but a good twist at the end of the film. Worth a watch but wait till it comes out on DVD or Video. Morgan is great in the film though as always.
John Wayne in "McClintock".

Very entertaining with some laugh out loud funny scenes. Maybe a bit sexist. Like to get a woman's view on that.
Watched "The Princess Mononoke" saturday night, good movie, great animation...then last night watched Star Wars because i was bored and it is always great to see it
this weekend:
Half Baked
Up in Smoke
Reefer Madness
The Big Lebowski
Thug Angel (2pac's life story). It was a poorly made documentary. I can't believe they're calling it a movie.
The Scorpian King Wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The Rock did well, with the few lines they gave him.
What's wrong with my sig k1d?

I watched Mulholland Dr. last night. WTF????

Am I the only one that didn't understand that movie AT ALL?
Maynard, let me revert to The Simpsons when referring to my feelings on Mullholland Drive. "It's brilliant...I have no idea what's going on." The point of the movie, the plot after they fall into the box, who's who?-- I have no clue but I fucking loved that movie.
I agree 100% Ikea. Basically what Lynch has managed to do is creat Abstract Art in the form of film. Super cool to watch, but makes sense only to the artist.

And yeah, I kind of figured out what happened, but still, there's not enough to tie it together.
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