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Quote:Any Given Sunday last night..... Greatest Football Movie EVAR!!!111
I too thought this movie was very good, with a fantastic cast (even Jamie Foxx was good). I'm also a huge fan of Olly stone

Edited By IkeaBoy on Jan. 15 2002 at 3:59
IkeaBoy Wrote:
Quote:Any Given Sunday last night..... Greatest Football Movie EVAR!!!111
I too thought this movie was very good, with a fantastic cast (even Jamie Foxx was good). I'm also a huge fan of Olly stone
since when do you watch football?
[Image: ikea%3Dgay7.gif]
Quote:since when do you watch football?
Football movie, "movie." and i'm a huge oliver stone fan
fbd's logging of ikea is truly frightening.

he's like the slash of foundry chat.
Pay It Forward.

Really great concept
saw Royal Tenenbaums on kicked ass. paltrow is 8000x hotter with the dark eye makeup
I just viewed Jason X. It was lame, I don't know, it was something about the Fan Made Movie (see: Star Wars Fan made movies for an idea)/let's rip off Alien as much as possible feel didn't work for me. It was a little tongue in cheek (the holodeck back to the original F13 was a joke that was funny but it was out of place) and had a few good death scenes. And the fact that people 450 years from now are using the same slang as us and still use bullets, I don't know. I got that in the future in space the characters were pretty much doing the same things as their Friday 13th forefathers.
QuickStop Wrote:saw Royal Tenenbaums on kicked ass. paltrow is 8000x hotter with the dark eye makeup
I saw this too. This could be the worst movie I ever saw. It was horrible. This only thing funny was the Taxi cab. Could be as bad as the Legends of the Fall.

But I will agree with you about Paltrow. I never found her hot until that eye make. That and when that guy was fondling her breastests...
I saw A Beautiful Mind a few days ago and I just made my brother go to Blockbuster to get me The Aniversary Party and Full Metal Jacket...haven't seen either of them.

As for the Royal Tennenbaums, I saw it too and can't figure out if I liked it or hated was just odd.
Hmmmm, I watched legends of the Fall the other night with my gf(she loves brad pitt, go figure) and I saw Ocean's 11 in the theaters 2 weeks ago. Im also going to see Blackhawk Down this weekend, one way or another
Orange alrigt
Spitfire Wrote:
Quote:The only movie out of the ED series that should have EVIL DEAD in the title.. is, EVIL DEAD.. part 2 was a remake for the most part, and AOD sucked.. fuckin disney horror.

Quote:take that back :no, really, fuck off:
How could you say that Wormface? Grated, the first one was better cuz the chick got raped by the tree bitch, but the 2nd is better quality and AOD just plain fucking rules! I can't wait til the $50 super edition of ED comes out! Get the Bootleg DVD of AOD, new ending, new beginning, commentary, man this movie kicks ass!!!!
I used to hate AOD b/c it was a disappointment compared to ED2. AOD has grown on me, and that edition that Spit speaks of is cool. And the ED2 limited adetion DVD in the Tin case rocks.
I loved TEnenbaums. I thought it was clever, well written, and I liked the quirkiness of it and I agree that Paltrow was her hottest ever

Edited By IkeaBoy on Jan. 17 2002 at 4:14
watched moulin rouge on dvd last night. tonight is godfather pt1 night.
Ocean's 11. I thought it was good, but looking at all those hot men was better.
never saw moulin rogue but heard things. is it worth a rental?
Trembling Before G-D, a documentary playing at the Film Forum about gays and lesbians in the Ortodox Jewish community. Very well done, gives the viewer alot to think about, especially if you are a member of that community or were raised in it like I was.
IkeaBoy Wrote:I agree that Paltrow was her hottest ever
I just finished The Aniversary Party, and Gwenyth Paltrow was in it, and she looks awful, she definitely looks much better with the dark eye makeup....she also looked good in Bounce with the darker hair. She has NO tits though....
Quote:She has NO tits though....
yeah, but you must think that about everyone Wink
crx girl Wrote:
Quote:She has NO tits though....
yeah, but you must think that about everyone Wink
:p Naw not everyone......although hey I do got a tough bra to fill....
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