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Quote:finally unwrapped the Little Rascals

Bill Cosby should be shot for not allowing them to be shown on TV.
Tell me about it.....:disappointed:
Quote:AOD rules and ED2 was the best ED movie. It wasn't a remake, it was a sequel. I hate when people call it a remake.

Uhmm...not really.

1. Ash has a different girlfriend. I didn't see any mention of the old girlfriend.
2. Ash knows NOTHING about the house, the curse, or anything.
3. Ash knows nothing about the phonograph with the chant on it. In 1, wasn't it a taperecorder?
4. About a half way in we finally get to the scene that is the finally of 1, namely the "force" moving throught the house and Ash turning and screaming just before it gets to him. In other words, everything before that scene is a remake/spoof of the 1st. Everything after that scene is a sequel.
Watched Men In Black tonight, Tommy Lee Jones is the fuckin man. Will Smith ain't half bad at that either. I can't wait for the sequel, it's a great movie, great acting, great story, and overall just a fun movie to watch no matter how many times you see it.
Quote:I went and saw changing lanes yesterday and it wasn't as good as i was hoping

This is an understatement...this movie was awful. The story was really didn't give a fuck about what happened to the lawyer. It lost my attention 10 minutes in...waste of time and money!
I just got back from one of those pre-screenings of Sum of All Fears. It wasn't completely done, the film wasn't cleaned up, some sound wasn't synched but it seemed complete enough and I was actually pretty surprised. The first part is a more than competent spy drama, the second part was about political strategy but was unfortunately too short not letting us get into much detail. I've never read the books so I can't say how well Affleck portrayed Ryan but he was actually pretty good as far as a young CIA guy who's in a situation far too big. Freeman is great as usual. The best person in the movie though was Liev Schreiber who plays another CIA agent who is far more interesting and fun to watch than Ryan.

People complained over them changing the villains in this movie from Arab terrorists to Nazis but even in today's climate I still find an evil European guy far more threatening than a donkey fucker.

The biggest problem is that the movie itself was too major for the start of a franchise.
Quote:This is an understatement...this movie was awful. The story was really didn't give a fuck about what happened to the lawyer. It lost my attention 10 minutes in...waste of time and money!

I finally had a reason to post in this thread after just seeing the movie, and now I don't need to.

This movie was an absolute waste of money
Thanks Ikea. It's been years since I read SoAF, but one thing I don't remember is a female side-kick. Sounds like a Hollywood add-on for the female movie goers.

And in the novel, Ryan was not new to the CIA. The story comes after:

Patriot Games
Hunt For Red October
Cardinal of the Kremlin
Clear and Present Danger

In fact, at the end of C&PD, he got a significant promotion.

One question. Was Freeman's character a former naval admiral? In other words, was it the same character James Earl Jones played in the other Clancy films?
Who's the female sidekick? Liev Shreiber is the guy who played ORson welles in RKO 281 and Cotton Weary in the Scream movies. Freeman is not the James Earl Jones in this one but he's a major CIA officer who takes Ryan under his wing.

I know that bookwise it's after all those films but if they want to re-start a franchise then they can't very well use Ford again so re-arrange it so that it's Ryan starting out which actually works.
I watched the Usual Suspects DVD the other night. damn that movie rocks. The DVD is the special edition. Everyone should check it out...
keyser soze, comment?

I watched Van Wilder last weekend. Not horrible, but I'm glad I didn't pay to see it. :thumbs-up:
Quote:Liev Shreiber is the guy who played ORson welles in RKO 281 and Cotton Weary in the Scream movies.
Thought Liev was jewish woman's name. My mistake.

It's just a shame that not enough time has passed to remake those films properly. They really changed the ending of Patriot Games and removed my favorite line. "Besides, if you really wanted to kill him you would have taken the safety off." And I already mentioned C&PD being changed.
Quote:I watched Van Wilder last weekend. Not horrible, but I'm glad I didn't pay to see it.

Your really breaking the sterotype Kid. {Big Grin}
I watched "the One" with Jet Li finally. Great idea for a story, terrible execution. Fight scenes were sub par by Jet Li's standards and why can't people fill a full 90 minutes of film footage lately? But Delroy Lindo once again proves he is the man.
watched gummo on ifc. i liked kids better. in kids i actually hated the characters, in this i was just looking at how ugly and weird they all looked. i actually felt kinda bad for some of them just because they looked so weird.
I love the ending of "Kids" I've spanked more batches to that then the pictures that snuka sends me of his bloody cum sprayer. But Snuka is the only person who makes me lick the screen when I see his pics.
what could be hotter then a drugged out teen fucking a passed out aids carrying slut
Quote:Your really breaking the sterotype Kid.

Honey...I forgot to tell you what my pick was for this weekend


Your really breaking the sterotype Kid.

Quote:Honey...I forgot to tell you what my pick was for this weekend

Let me take a guess Roots?
if you like Kids and Gummo may I suggest Bully, the most recent film from the same guy. It's really disturbing and is more than worth a rental. There's a theatrical video and a video video, if you can get theaterical get that because it's the unrated version. Fucking Blockbuster faggots.
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