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I watched American Pie 2 tonight. Bought it yesterday. This was the first time I saw it. It had some funny shit in it. I'll have to watch all the extra's over the weekend.
Wormface Wrote:I watched Bedazzled earlier.. Cant go wrong with an elizabeth hurley crotch shot.
That's also the last movie I saw, yea, how fuckin sweet was that shot. :eek: :eek: :eek:
i just watched seven with a girl i'm friends with.never seen it before, and it is fucking trippy.that sloth guy is gonna give me nightmares Sad Sad Confusedatan:

Edited By fbdlingfrg on Jan. 19 2002 at 12:06
fbdlingfrg Wrote:i just watched seven with a girl i'm freids with.never seen it before, and it is fucking trippy.that slo9th guy is gonna give me nightmares Sad Sad Confusedatan:
You are gay!
just watched How High which I downloaded. I thought it was funny, one of the stupid stuffy authority figures get taught a lesson by the 'stupid' people. definitely better than NATM.
Just watched The Big Lebowski, on VHS, with someone who has never seen it before. Great movie.

Finally got around to seeing LOTR tonight, for the first time with someone who had already seen it. It would have been a better moviegoing experience if she hadn't constantly tried to ruin it for me...
I saw Oceans 11 tonight...not too bad, it had its moments.
I was kinda pissed yesterday so I threw in an all-time classic on my DVD player "Cool hand Luke."
saw some of pay it forward tonight, god what an awful movie, the end was pretty damn funny though
u know whats funny, my moms cousin mentioned pay it forward in his eulogy today for my great grandmothers funeral

i watched marry poppins tonight
I saw Christine last night and wtching Superman III tonight
gladiator is on now...towards the end
Watched some of Pearl Harbor it was a complete suckfest - the battle scenes. God the plot was so goddamn predictable with the love story jesus christ.
OK, this may sound faggity, but I watched Moulin Rouge Friday night. And surprisingly was impressed. The stupid love story was just that, but some of the other stuff made it worth watching. The music was really cool, they took a bunch of other modern songs and snipped them all together to make the songs. It's really hard to describe. You just kinda have to hear it. The way they filmed the movie was also pretty damn amazing. Very cool camera techniques.

All in all, a good movie to check out if you like artsy films, or strange films. It's a musical so be prepared for that. If you're a little daring with your films, check it out.
i still haven't scene Rogue but heard things and it's gotten a lot of Oscar buzz so I may rent it eventually. And even the battles sucked in Pearl Harbor, I'm sorry, they did
Quote:OK, this may sound faggity,

Something YOU say sounding faggoty? Nah....
just watched american psycho again.great movie
oh and i did watch Superman III last night, god that was a sickly awful movie. it was just so bad.

And tonight ill be watching the horror classic BLACK CHRISTMAS
today i watched a few good men
i hate tom cruise but i love that movie
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