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Gosford Park- very disappointing. There were some good moments but it was overly dramatic, too many characters and too long. and there were two fat black cunts who wouldn't stop talking, and I told them to shut up. They threatened to slap me when i left the theater so i went out a different way.
Toy Soldiers on tape
i saw oceans eleven tonight
brad pitt was so hot

the movie was pretty good
but pitt was hot
:drool: Orange County....saw it very buzzed/slightly drunk and it still sucked....
lmao, I had to watch Shrek and It Takes Two (an olsen twin movie) with my cousins today.
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:lmao, I had to watch Shrek and It Takes Two (an olsen twin movie) with my cousins today.
not just olsen twins but guttenberg and alley too. was it made during that brief moment when alley was attractive?
last movie in theaters was oceans 11, it had its moments

saw pay it forward on HBO the other day, also not bad
I saw 200 Cigarettes yesterday...absolutely god awful. Not even Jay Mohr was funny in it. The funniest character was actually Paul Rudd of Clueless fame, but whoever wrote the script should be anally raped by a black fellow.
Basie-Moi, kind of lame, not as intense as I thought it was going to be. subtitles aren't good at 4 in the morning when you're too lzy to read
Quote:I saw 200 Cigarettes yesterday...absolutely god awful. Not even Jay Mohr was funny in it. The funniest character was actually Paul Rudd of Clueless fame, but whoever wrote the script should be anally raped by a black fellow.
LOL... I saw that in the theater. Not a great movie by any means, but you are absolutely correct... Paul Rudd was fucking funny in it. I actually have the vhs of it.

Best line -- Ben Afflect (bartender) "How do you like your eggs in the morning, scrambled or fertilixed?"

Now that I think about it, i kinda picture you (Sleepr) and Ikea in the roles of Casey Affleck and the other guy following those 2 girls all over town.<font color=white>

Edited By SLASH on Jan. 27 2002 at 11:57

vin diesel was the best in Boiler Room, one of the greatest and most underrated movies of all time!


I agree sleeper, Boiler Room was great.


Boiler Room kicked ass.

Quote:Kid in Movies that kick ass

What movies do you watch over and over and over and over?

1. The Matrix
2. Blow
3. Boiler Room
4. Casino
5. Hackers
6. Heat

Please tell me what was so great about that movie. I think it totally sucked ass! What really clinched it, though, was the scene where the FBI agent told the main character, played by Giovanni Ribissi (sp?), "go into work tomorrow like everything is normal and when I tell you -- back-up the entire C:\ drive on a floppy." A companies full database of records on a floppy? Back-up an entire Hard drive on a floppy??? How the hell did that not get caught in the script readings is beyond me.
Regarding Boiler room the ending when the FBI got involved was the bad part of the movie to me. I enjoyed the chop shop, the parties, etc. but I thoguht the movie really got stuck in a cliche stop bad guys plot which definitely harmed it.
Yea, I agree that the ending was probably the worst part of Boiler Room. What really impressed me about the film was the dialogue between Ribisi, Diesel, and the other characters (forgot the actors name). I enjoy it when a writer knows how people talk in real life and the writer of Boiler Room seems to really get it. Also, the Affleck speech scenes rivaled Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross. And the Interacial relationship was nicely underplayed and handled very well. I dunno, i can go on and on...the scenes where Ribisi is selling stocks to the poor schlub are great. The one scene where he guides the NYTimes salesman on the phone is great. When they are all repeating dialogue from "Wall Street". Its those types of scenes with great dialogue rather than the overall plot that made the movie for me.

Quote:Best line -- Ben Afflect (bartender) "How do you like your eggs in the morning, scrambled or fertilixed?"

Yea that line made me laugh the most. That and Rudd: "You know I don't have ugly friends". There might have been one other time I laughed in that movie after those two scenes. Even Chapelle got annoying very quickly.

Edited By The Sleeper on Jan. 27 2002 at 5:05
The last movie I saw at a movie theater was I think American Outlaws. But I'm not too sure though. After that I don't think I have even rented any movies. But the last movie I saw out of theaters was Immortal Beloved. Saw it just a few hours ago on UPN, It's a movie aout Beethoven, it was pretty good if your're into classical music and learning about the composers that wrote the music.
Watched The Hobbit on dvd, Friday night. Just perfect.
Hey Ladi Wrote:Watched The Hobbit on dvd, Friday night. Just perfect.
Oh man the really bad animated version.
Oh come on, it's a Classic! Fills in the begining of LotR.

The new movie took so much from the cartoon, Bilbo's house, with the ring shaped rooms. And I was picturing Golem when I saw LotR in the theatre.
Quote:Also, the Affleck speech scenes rivaled Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross.

Rivaled? Ummm no. Imitated? Most definitely. Maybe I will try and watch it again for the other dialogue nuances that you speak so highly of.
SLASH Wrote:
Quote:Also, the Affleck speech scenes rivaled Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross.

Rivaled? Ummm no. Imitated? Most definitely. Maybe I will try and watch it again for the other dialogue nuances that you speak so highly of.
i prefer the term homage but as Sleeper said, the dialogue was was too bad they couldn't have gone a smarter route.
saw lotr friday night, just awesome cinematography! then i had to sit through that horrible glass house on saturday, god, that put me to sleep!

watched clerks last night...always great to watch

Edited By Skitchr4u on Feb. 07 2002 at 3:52
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