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I saw Magnum Force, the 2nd Dirty Harry movie. How will he explain it?
I'm holding out for "Spiderman"
The People vs. Larry Flynt. Started off great, kinda lagged at the end, but good overall movie.
Watched Panic Room, was an excellent movie. Not up to par with some Fincher's other stuff but hey it wasn't his fault mostly the writer. Still definitely recommend it.
i saw a bunch of movies this past week so i'm going to try and list them from worst to best:
rat race
13 ghosts
the one
blade 2
last castle
training day - the only one that i actually picked out

now i'm watching some crappy ashley judd movie on hbo cos i feel like poop and i have nothing else to do :disappointed:
you thought Rat Race was worse than 13 Ghosts? Rat Race at least had Cleese, Lovitz and Green being funny.

13 Ghosts wast just awful.
actually, those two were kind of a tie, i thought 13 ghosts was better than those other two haunted house movies from last year, and rat race just went too far past the cheese... i'll probably change my mind tomorrow anyway...
I'm not saying Rat Race was a good movie. In fact the ending put me in utter disgust but 13 Ghosts was just so poorly made, incoherent, poorly developed and Rah Digga was such a stereotype and not in a good way.
you know what ikea, i think it's time you found a new hobby or something. when you start discussing 2 movies like this, it's time for an intervention, who's with me?

and yeah, the end of rat race is probably what pushed me over the edge and i expected 13 ghosts to be complete utter crap (not that i didn't expect the same for rat race) so, maybe that's it, anyway, next time i'll try to see something better Big Grin
Just watched Hardball with Keanu Reeves. The baisc coach taking over a small sports team story, ghetto style. It wasn't horrible like I thought it would be but pretty predictable except for the death of one of the players. Who was actually the funniest link of the movie.

It was on PPv I couldn't help but watch. I'm probably gonna watch Clerks which I finally picked up on DVD tonight since I am not working tommorow.
clerks is the shit. watch it over and over again until your eyes bleed. it's worth it.
I seen the movie tons of times, it does fuckin rock at that. I used to work at a video store, the movie was on fuckin loop when I was there, lol.

I haven't seen it in about 2 years though and have been looking for it on DVD for the longest. I was at the WIZ out in brooklyn today and picked it up for fuckin 16 bucks.
sweet. i was supposed to get it on dvd for christmas, but i got the clerks cartoon instead by mistake, but its not bad, because the clerks cartoon is awesome.
I was looking for it everywhere. I was at coconuts, virgin, blow out video, the wiz in the city.

All the while right here in brooklyn at the wiz they had like 20 fuckin copies of it. I also picked up The Great Escape for only 10 bucks. I got "o", the tombstone special edition and earlier this week I picked up about 8 DVD's. I made up for the 3 weeks I missed.

Oh well there goes the new shoes I was gonna get.
Quote:haven't seen it in about 2 years though
Jeeeez, I would've gone through Clerks withdrawal.
I watched Dogma 4 times this week though. I watched the movie twice and twice with the two different commentary tracks.

Commentary tracks on films like that fuckin rock. I'd have to say the best commentary track so far has to be the one on Se7en and Dogma, cause they are interesting and the guys are funny at the same time. The godfather commentary was a bit stale but interesting.
I just finished watching Training Day for the first time. Wow that film really does kick more ass than I really expected it to. Highly recommended, really intense. I can't say if Washington deserves it more than Crowe but I was definitely impressed by his performance.
I watched Pete's Dragon {Big Grin}
I watched the training day dvd last night. And damn that movie kicks some major ass. The first time i saw i was on bootleg and i really liked it. But watching the dvd just made it so much better. Denzel was one sick motherfucker and he did deserve the oscar for it.
Saw Hardball too. Was mediocre. Good filler movie.

As for commentary tracks the Clerks cartoon rocks at that. Hearing Kevin Smith just lambast some corporate execute is great.
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