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I just saw Panic Room last night. It looked good in the previews, but it was even better than I expected.
Flock, didn't you think the last few scenes of the movie kinda killed it a bit though? I thought it was a very good movie, but the ending kinda made me :angry:
I won't give away the ending for those that didn't see it, but to me that's where all the best action was.

The whole movie was good, but the end was great.
I mean the last scenes....not the action part.....the ending
The last movie I saw was "Rock Star" (on video) -- I thought it was pretty good.
Chicken Run Confusedmokey: totally hysterical

watched 1 hour of Don't Say a Word at 3 am Saturday, when the cable company messed up and put through ppv because of the time change, but they realized their mistake and I didn't see the end
went and saw blade2 over the weekend, it was pretty good, lots of great action scenes...then saw spawn (the animated version) different from the live action, but i liked it
Finally saw Resevoir Dogs, and it was a good as people say!

Also, Riding in Cars With Boys, sadder than expected, but Drew Barrymore was good. And J&SB Strike Back, again.
Training Day.

And it was AMAZING!
Quote:then saw spawn (the animated version) different from the live action, but i liked it

That was the hbo series that they did a few years ago. The first season is the best out of all 3 seasons.

Quote:Also, Riding in Cars With Boys, sadder than expected, but Drew Barrymore was good

Oh God Ladi, Drew Barrymore sucked so bad in that movie. She's an awful actress. And that movie was unwatchable. Even with Steve Zahn.

And i saw "O" last night on dvd. The latest Julia Stiles loves a black guy movie.
Quote:The latest Julia Stiles loves a black guy movie
Hmmm...did you think of that one all by yourself hunny bunny?? {Wink}

O was a good movie...kept my attention the whole time.
Training Day, yea like everyone has said, really good flick.
Session 9. This was in theaters for maybe 3 days LOL. I saw it on DVD. Its a horror movie that is compared to The Shining the way it is filmed. You would either hate this movie or like it. I kinda enjoyed it.

The latest Julia Stiles loves a black guy movie

Quote:Hmmm...did you think of that one all by yourself hunny bunny??

It's mine now......See what i did there???
Quote:Oh God Ladi, Drew Barrymore sucked so bad in that movie. She's an awful actress. And that movie was unwatchable. Even with Steve Zahn.
Yeah, well I thought Spawn the cartoon sucked, boring & drawn out. So don't tell me what movies to like, dickweed! {:p}
of course Spawn was drawn out, it was a cartoon.
Quote:of course Spawn was drawn out, it was a cartoon.

Holy shit, do my eyes decieve me or did Ikea make a joke and it wasn't putting himself down?

I watched White Sands last night with Rouke and Dafoe and it wasn't all that bad. I have seen better but at 4 am, it hit the spot.
I just got back from Panic Room, I was pretty unimpressed. I liked the parts with the thieves better than the parts with the family...though it was good seeing Sidney from The Pretender get work. I thought some parts were a bit cliche but it was a good suspense film

Also with the ending before the pointless ending sequence, did anyone get the feeling something was missing? Because I'm watching it, the music's building to a HUGE crescendo and then nothing. Maybe that was the point but it made me feel something was gone.

And Jared Leto kicked ass.
Just watched Lord Of The Rings on Dvd. I liked it. I never read the books, as GS would say, I read real books growing up so I had zero expectations watchin which made it rather enjoyable.
I watched the bad news bears on cable earlier today, I haven't seen it in years. Trully a fun movie to watch.
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