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I finally got around to seeing 'Memento' tonight after seeing the spic version, 'Uno Memento' last summer.

If you combine all 4 of these movies you will get Memento...

Pulp Fiction

Ground Hog Day

Vanilla Sky

A Beautiful Mind

Somehow, I thoroughly enjoyed all those movies alone, but the sum of all parts was lacking something. Maybe it was just all the hype. The only movie that has ever stood up to or surpassed the hype for me was The Matrix. And that was probably 'cause I wasn't buying into the hype to begin with, with that movie.
saw black hawn down yesterday with a good friend, it was pretty good, not as good as i thought though
watched blazing saddles for the millionth time last night
The Presidio
Twisted Desire- really awful made for TV movie on TNT last night at 1 am which is the type of movie I like on TNT at 1 am.

Before that Black Hawk Down good action movie.
The Original "Gone In 60 Seconds"..definitely disappointing. The acting was crap, most of the cars were boring, and no Angelina Jolie..BAH!
Talk Radio, solid flick
The Sleeper Wrote:Talk Radio, solid flick
I loved that movie. Eric Boigisen was great in it. One of Oliver Stone's best flicks and most underrated. And even for a movie set in one location without the fancy tricks that were to characterize Stone's later movies it manages to keep up a great deal of intensity.
Rented Goodfellas over the weekend. God damn that movie just never gets old. You can watch that over and over and you love it more and more.
I finally saw Happiness. Which was weird because the people weren't really happy at all.
Galt Wrote:I finally saw Happiness. Which was weird because the people weren't really happy at all.
What are you talking about? That guy who fucked children was incredibly happy while he was fucking children.
The Sleeper Wrote:
Galt Wrote:I finally saw Happiness. Which was weird because the people weren't really happy at all.
What are you talking about? That guy who fucked children was incredibly happy while he was fucking children.
Well yes, but in the end he was very sad becuase he realized he would always have to jerk off instead of fucking his son.
I just watched Memento, loved it, and saw Beautiful Mind this weekend. That was awesome too.

Forrest Gump

There's a unique double-feature for ya
watched jay and silent bob strike back dvd on friday

watched take me out the the ball game this weekend, i dont expect for any of you to know about that movie
watched natural born killers and that michael douglas movie with the psycho chick over the weekend
Skitchr4u Wrote:michael douglas movie with the psycho chick over the weekend
Dont' Say a Word- awful movie. Did the chick from Spin City/Summer of Sam have ANY POINT whatsoever?
I watched Eddie Murphy: RAW last night after a conversation with a certain Admin, lol.

Next time that motherfucka call, tell him I said suck my dick.
watched jay and silent bob strikes back dvd last night...can't wait to go home and watch it again
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