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Bra-Fuckin'-Vo! © Kid Afrika 2001, 2002
Jason X. It wasnt all that bad. A bit corny though.
Just got back from Scorpion King. I actually liked this movie...the fight scenes were good and the Rock is HOT! :loveya:
Yeah The Scorpion King was good. The action was very good. And the Rock wasn't bad actually. I can bet there will be a sequel or two in the works. I just wish they would have made it rated R. I mean no blood shed. Rock kills like every bad guy in the movie and know one bleeds. And i wanted to see the chicks boobs.She's pretty fucking hot.
Quote:Jason X. It wasnt all that bad. A bit corny though.
I downloaded it awhile ago and thought it was too self conscious, too corny for me. All the modern slang being transplanted hundreds of years in the future it just got irritating after awhile.
Saw the classic film "Battle of Britain" over the weekend. What interested me was just before the ending credits. They listed how many pilots from different countries flew in the battle and how many of them died. There were several Polish, Canadian, US, and other pilots flying alongside the Brits.

What caught my eye was one Isreali pilot. Now, if I check my history, Isreal didn't exist at the beginning of WWII. So, maybe there was a jewish pilot from that region in the fight, but can you really say he was Isreali?
I had insomnia tonight. So I watched a shitton of movies (I have a descrambler so they were free).

The Castle on PPV- Blah. Run-of-the-mill. Robert Redford looks like leatherface. Decent enough to pass the time.
Magnolia - Such a cool movie. I'd seen it before, but I had forgotten how interesting it was. There were just so many great scenes that no writer or director has ever explored (like everyone signing a song to tie in the stories -- and obviously the fucking frogs)
Soul Survivor on PPV - Eliza Dushku is so fucking hot. Not a good movie, but a very good idea for a movie. They could have made it better

I skimmed some of Zoolander, and just stood stonefaced. I'm pretty sure at some point in the last six months someone has told me that movie is funny. I need to remember who that was, and never talk to them again. A couple other movies, I just forget which ones.
Quote:Soul Survivor on PPV - Eliza Dushku is so fucking hot. Not a good movie, but a very good idea for a movie. They could have made it better
You mean like Jacob's Ladder. I saw it too, thought it was lame but Eliza IS hot.
Quote:Magnolia - ....... I'm pretty sure at some point in the last six months someone has told me that movie is funny. I need to remember who that was, and never talk to them again.
:Confusedhiver:: eww, I'm disturbed even seeing the NAME of that movie again. I couldn't get into it.

Watched Clerks & Shreck...... again. :thumbs-up:
Wathced Dwon To You, and Magnolia last night. Both on Encore.
i watched most of behind enemy lines last night...good specail effects, but pretty never really had my attention
Is that the one with Owen whatshisface? Where the plane crashes?
yeah...plane crashes in bosnia, pilot dies, gunner runs around the country side trying to get to a safe extraction site
He bores me. Although, he was pretty funny in Zoolander. He just has this vapid look all the time.
I thought Owen Wilson was pretty good in Behind Enemy Lines. I also liked the movie. It was fun. And the scene were the plane is being chased by the ground to air missles was GREAT.
What the fuck is up with Owen Wilson's nose? Tie Domi's nose looks like it's been broken less. I never noticed it until I attempted to watch Zoolander (less laughs than Freddie Got Fingered), and then I saw it again when I was watching The Cable Guy last night.

His nose is just really croked and banged up.
i thought freddie got fingered was hilarious. i think i'm the minority there though...
<div align="center"><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Man Bites Dog</span></div>

Watched this late last night. It's an independant Belgium film with sub-titles. It's about a camera crew that follows around a psycho serial killer and film him killing people and interview him about stuff. Think American Psycho meets the Blair Witch Project. Imagine if Patrick Bateman had a film crew following him around.

This film is UNCENSORED and really sick and twisted.

The guy even kills a ten year old boy in front of the crew. As the movie progresses, he starts using the crew as a tool to get into peoples homes or just distract his victims. As the film progresses, the crew become accomplices.

There's a great scene where the they're walking down a street and the killer, Ben, is talking about the lack of asthetics in low-income housing and the conversation is interspersed with quick scenes of him killing people. Including one old lady being choked to death and her dentures falling out while she gags.

There are some pretty disturbing scenes in this film. If you can find it on DC or Kazaa or something, defintilely download it. But get a good copy so you can read the sub-titles.
Where did you get the film Dent? Did you rent it? Buy it? See it on cable? The computer? Wha?
Quote:Where did you get the film Dent? Did you rent it? Buy it? See it on cable? The computer? Wha?

Brit TV. Channel called ITV2. Just a late night film. Brit TV is uncensored after 9PM. And after 11 ANYTHING goes. They show G-String Divas uncensored on broadcast after 11. They have a great series following around British escorts and interviewing them about their lives.
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