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I was sick as a mutt last night and couldn't find the fuckin remote so I sat through Judge Dredd last night.

Uggggggggghhhhh, god have mercy on my fuckin soul, I felt worse afterwards! :pissed: :pissed:
Girls in that was the one before :p I watched Scarface I think last...
BeckyDC Wrote:I watched Scarface I think last...
BE MINE!!!!! I love Scarface, #1 must own DVD.

I watched The Getaway with Steve McQueen this morning on cable, I couldn't go to sleep so i figured might as well watch it.
Last movie in a theatre was Black Hawk Down. I now hate foreign people and Clinton more than before.

Last on TV, I watched The Yards on Starz last night. Wasn't really that good.

In regards to Boiler Room. I'm not a fan of it at all. The whole movie was an "homage" to other movies. "homage" means that you can't come up with new ideas so you just rip off old ones.

Between Glengary Glenross and Wall Street, the whole movie was borrowed. The whole story line with Ribisi and his father was retarded. The "love" story was pointless and just thrown in so there was a love interest. There were also so many unlrealistic parts of the movie besides that "c" drive thing.

Definately overrated in my book.
Watched "Art of War" with Wesley Snipes Monday night on cable. Really mediocre and formulaic, but seeing him kicking ass again reminded me that Blade II is coming out this summer.

That film is going to kick serious ass.
Saw "Waking Life" in the theatre a couple of days ago. It was incredibly pretentious, obnoxious, somewhat pointless, and fairly boring. Only go see it if you love philosophy and dreams, scratch that, read a fuckin textbook instead.
i'm seeing supertroopers tonight, other than that For a Few Dollars More, the second in the Man with No Name trilogy which I watched in class. and my waking life response was exactly the same as my response as Sleeper's.

Edited By IkeaBoy on Feb. 13 2002 at 2:42
I saw "The Usual Suspects" for the first time the other day. Even though I knew the ending before-hand it was still a great fucking movie.
YellowDiscipline Wrote:I saw "The Usual Suspects" for the first time the other day. Even though I knew the ending before-hand it was still a great fucking movie.
i saw that on dvd a while back, i loved it
just the place i saw it at id rather forget

last movie i saw was american pie, my dad and bro were watching the tape the other day and i strolled in to watch it too
Supertroopers- it was ok, nothing amazing, a couple of funny parts but mostly mediocre 2.5 stars/4. not worth $10 but maybe worth a bored matinee price or a video.

Edited By IkeaBoy on Feb. 13 2002 at 9:39
Last movie I saw was Kiss Of The Dragon. It was awesome and I'm getting the DVD as soon as I can.
watched the clerks cartoons this morning...episodes 1 and 2
Watched UHF last night
What a great fucking movie

"Today, we will teach poodles how to fly...go Fifi"

I saw The Count of Monte Cristo a few nights back with the woman, not too bad of a movie. Decent fight scenes, the Spanish guy was funny as hell.
I'm not sure if I talked about John Q yet but it kind of sucked. the characters were all stock, it was the biggest anti-HMO movie ever where there are like 4 different scenes where people just sit to blast HMOs. even though i dind't see the final 20 it sucked.

Quote:Decent fight scenes, the Spanish guy was funny as hell
Luiz Guzman? He's pretty good.
Quote:Watched UHF last night
Somebody gets to drink from the water hose!!

Edited By IkeaBoy on Feb. 14 2002 at 12:04
I still say this is a better idea for a show than "The Chamber"

<center>[Image: wheelfish.jpg]</center>
I saw Dirty Mary Crazy Larry on video last car movie from the 70's..worth seeing just for the cars and the cool camera angles
I watched Fingers last night with Harvey Keitel. Been years since I watched it and it was a pretty good watch.
last movie i saw was fast and the furious on dvd.
Last movie I saw was Seconds starring Rock Hudson. One of the best movies that nobody's ever heard of, and really ahead of its time. I recommend it to everyone, if only to see how Face Off ripped off a movie made decades earlier.
the usual supects---dvd

movie kicks ass!!!!!

requiem for a dream--- one of my favorite feel-good movies

always nice to watch good movies on a 55" high definition tv.

my dvd collection keeps growing!!! if i keep it up, i'll never leave the house.

i truly am a lazy sack of shit, hence the name LaZy Mother Fucker #1
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